What is Life Coaching & Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy?

Like an Internal Software Update for Your Mind & Nervous System

I believe in embracing a holistic approach to healing trauma and reaching our goals that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit connection. Through the transformative practices of holistic life coaching, subconscious reprogramming and heart-centered hypnotherapy, I guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment that extends far beyond themselves into their work, relationships, performance & future. Think about how often we are notified that our phone needs a new software update. Through the somatic and energetic work we embark on together, we are able to rewire your nervous system and transform your patterning. If you’ve never experienced that before, your internal software is definitely out of date!

Cultivate Harmony & Reach your Goals

Holistic life coaching supports you with personalized guidance and practical tools to identify and release limiting beliefs, fears, and patterns that may be holding them back.

Empowering you to align with your inner wisdom & unearthed values to create meaningful and sustainable changes within your mind, life, relationships & sport.

Develop new coping & communication skills that allow you to set loving boundaries and get what you need without the guilt and self sacrifice.

Freeing you up from the inside out so you can show up with the presence you want to have and be the person you want to be.

Therapy was Great & You’re Ready for More.

Heart-centered hypnotherapy is a powerful modality that utilizes the transformative power of the subconscious mind to facilitate deep healing and personal growth. Unlike traditional hypnosis, which focuses solely on behavior modification, heart-centered hypnotherapy delves into the emotional root causes of challenges, allowing for profound healing at the core level. Through gentle guidance and relaxation techniques, we help you access your inner resources, release limiting beliefs, and create positive shifts in thought patterns and behaviors.

Quickly shift old programming, heal emotional wounds, and create new neural pathways that support your highest self.

Rewiring, Performance & Well-Being

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, otherwise known as tapping is a powerful psychological acupressure technique that combines tapping on specific meridian points with focused attention to release stress and negative energy from the body, promoting emotional balance and well-being.

Time Techniques harness the power of the mind's perception of time to facilitate rapid and lasting empowerment, similar to timeline therapy, enabling individuals to overcome obstacles, heal past traumas, and create positive beliefs in their mind for rapid transformation.

Your next level of self and purpose awaits!

Call or text me at 616-970-0592 today for a free 15-minute consultation!

A Metamorphosis That Will Last a Legacy

Be held in a safe and nurturing space that will allow you to reach the depths of your healing that doesn’t take years of traditional talk therapy.

Rekindle with your inner child and develop a spiritual connection of your own understanding.

Make new healthy habits and decisions for yourself and the generations to come.

Experience healthy control, retire the chaotic brain and the desire to numb your life experiences.

Your next level of self and purpose awaits!

Call or text me at 616-970-0592 today for a free 15-minute consultation!

I feel like for years, I’ve been putting in the work with other professionals and got nowhere. Mentally, I had given up on getting help as I didn’t think I would make progress because I had been let down by so many previously. Working with you literally changed my perspective on life and living. You’ve given myself back.
— Maggie 1:1 Client

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