Mind-Body Wellness Retreats

“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”

~ Rumi

You’re craving sacred space to be nurtured and cared for.

You keep it together so well for everyone else, tending to everyone else’s needs, while yours just keep getting pushed to the back burner because you’re a recovering people pleaser.

You’ve got too much on your plate and/or too little support and even though you’re good about your self care routine, it doesn’t feel like enough - just another “to do” on the list.

You’re going or have gone to therapy, but are seeking something deeper and ready to release some stored up emotions.

You desire to fully receive and tend to your soul’s desires and needs <3

Society has let women and mothers down.

The expectations of women and mothers have never been higher.

We are under increasing pressure to meet our family’s basic needs, heal intergenerational trauma while living in a society that continues to isolate and neglect women and mothers.

These aren’t things that can be solved by self care, yoga class or weekly massages.

You’re seeking out your village who’s ready to do life differently and start making stands for a better culture for women and mothers.

This is a step outside your comfort zone.

Even though being a group of stranger is intimidating, you’re curious about what’s happening in these sacred spaces.

You crave liberation from external and internal pressures of daily life and society.

You’re desperately seeking change, clarity and a new path forward.

You’re desperate to slow down, honor yourself and step out of survival mode.

Accelerate your Personal Growth & Healing

Break free from limiting beliefs and inner blocks in a community of powerhouse women who are on the same journey of self discovery.

Reset your nervous system and let go of stored up emotional energy that is keeping you stuck through expertly guided, evidence based somatic practices and methods.

Open your heart, cultivate a badass village of like minded souls and deepen your spiritual connection.

Call or text me at 616-970-0592 today
to ask your questions & learn more!

I have a lot more confidence in who I am and how I fit into the world. The old stories I have told myself, about feeling not worthy for so long are gone! I have a new outlook that is filled with joy and hope! No longer will I beat myself up for not being enough or too much!
— Patty - 1:1 & Retreat Client

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