The Modern Mama Mastermind


Embrace Peace in your Authentic Self

Cultivate Meaningful Connection without the Co-Dependency & Create Harmony & Safety in your Home

Have you grown tired and frustrated of sacrificing and fighting for what you need?

Do you feel as though you’ve lost your sense of self in all that is demanded of you in motherhood

Would you give anything to manage your emotions better so your kids don’t adopt those patterns for another generation?

Step into this Sacred Space You need…

Welcome to The Modern Mama Mastermind! (MMM)

Perhaps you, too…

  • Value alone time, support systems, healing, conscious connection & quality time with loved ones

  • Feel called to a more compassionate way of mothering with less guilt, sacrificing & frustration

  • Desire a sisterhood to confide in, be real with and grow with, through all the demands of motherhood

  • Care so deeply about the impact we’re here to make in our family lineage and building a life founded on love, not fear

  • Want to confidently express our individuality and create more intimacy in our relationships

  • Are generational change makers!

Cohort 4 Begins January 2025!

Does this seem familiar…

  • Constant conflict & power struggles?

  • Instant tempers you can’t control?

  • Feeling so guilty for harsh reactions and not sure how to change it because you keep telling yourself you will, but you don’t?

  • See your kids modeling the behavior that you so desperately want to correct for yourself?

  • Putting in the work for yourself, but your habits and self care are feeling more like a to do list than fulfilling?

  • Not sure if you want to cry, scream or run away, yet can’t seem to get the expression or time you need?

You may have tried…

  • Parenting courses and downloads, but you can’t seem to act on them in the moment or get your partner on board.

  • Therapy, yet it isn’t helping you divide the mental load or unpack the generational patterns you’ve inherited.

  • Meditating, but it feels hard and you don’t really have time for that anyway.

  • Mom meet ups and no one has been that golden ticket of a mom friend, right?

Trust me, you can be the compassionate leader who is lit up by your relationships, stays calm, feels supported and is in tune with who you are.

Even though being a mom is one of the most stressful jobs on the planet. Literally, studies show it is comparable to an air traffic controller position, as far as stress rates go.

I’ve been where you are which is why I created the Modern Mama Mastermind so I could give other moms all the tools, resources and experience it’s taken me 9 years and two kids to get.

“I was a bit apprehensive about letting people in so deeply, but it has been so safe and so rewarding to open up so much here and to witness you all doing the same. It’s been a really great lesson for me, not only in vulnerability, but also powerful AF female relationships. Forever grateful 🙏🏼💕” - Whitney (Cohort 1)

So, What is MMM?

The Modern Mama Mastermind is a 12 month transformational group coaching program designed to help you expand your capacity and upgrade your family dynamics.

Expand your emotional capacity and network of soulful women raising heart centered families

Live, love, and lead from a place of more joy and support

Cultivate meaningful family life

  • Healthy Coping Skills

    Quickly regain access to those love based states and so you can serve from a place of connection, compassion and understanding.

  • Supportive community of conscious creators

    Cultivate REAL mom friends who honor your humanity yet see you at you highest potential.

  • Reclamation of your identity as mom and self

    Allow your present-day self to be unleashed, nourished and supported.

  • Healing & Coaching

    Learn, integrate and grow energetically & subconsciously for optimal wellness & success

  • Exact tools, strategies, and support you need to embody conscious parenting

    Within this time, you’ll be so equipped with transformational tools, you’ll leave feeling like a freaking goddess warrior!

  • Align with your higher self & personal power

    Open your heart for wisdom, healing & transformation

Here at Wild Happy Worth, we do things differently. This isn’t just some talk therapy coaching program or another parenting course. I am trained to work within the subconscious mind and energy field to create sustainable transformation from within so you can be your own guru and feel good while raising good humans.

What’s Included?

(1 Pre Recorded Lesson + 3 Live Sessions for 12 Months):

  • 1 Pre - recorded lesson per month ($1,200 value)

  • 1 - 75 minute guided Workshop per month ($3,000 value)

  • 1 - 75 minute round table mastermind call per month ($3,000 value)

  • 1 monthly guest expert workshop per month ($3,000 value)

  • Secure community chat to deepen sisterhood and have a safe and productive place to go in the moments when “you just can’t anymore”. ($1,500 value)

  • Emotional, strategic & energetic support resources, including Meditations, Hypnosis, The Emotional Freedom Technique, TIME Techniques and more. ($500 value)

  • Discount on all 1:1 coaching packages

Plus These Supportive bonuses!

BONUS # 1:

Early Bird discount & course access

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Enroll by October 31 to receive $500 OFF & access to AWAKEN: The Self Led 21 Day Mother Wound Healing Journey that will deeply nourish and support you on this journey of self discovery and healthy family dynamics! ($600 Value)

BONUS # 2:

Conscious Creation Bundle

3 powerful guided resources including hypnosis, meditation & a full moon ceremony that support you in coming home to your truest essence, quiet your mind and enhance your well being while clearing emotional & energetic blocks. ($150 Value)

Build a Thriving Heart Centered Family Legacy That Transcends Generations

Each month in the Modern Mama Mastermind will be a stepping stone on your path to self-reclamation and family enhancement. Here's a glimpse of what to expect:

Every month, you will have guided transformative experiences to uncover your passions, values, and desires, paving the way for a life aligned with your authentic self and allow you to reflect on your journey while setting intentions for the future. The round table discussions will celebrate your growth and provide an opportunity to reflect on the transformations experienced collectively. In the expert workshops, you will learn strategies for releasing generational patterns, cultivating resilience, instilling values, and creating a legacy based on love, communication, and growth.


What Tay’s Clients Say About The Experience:

Britt Hughes - Cohort 1,2 &3

"Working with Taylor has been a game changer for me and my family. Specifically changing the way I react in high stress times with my partner and child. I believe the shifts that have happened for me personally have directly impacted my partner as well. The home feels more peaceful, transparent, vulnerable and we feel more dedicated to connecting. I am so grateful for this experience! 10/10 recommend working with Taylor, I think ANYONE could benefit from it!”

Whitney Kemp - Cohort 1

“MMM has allowed me to retire the chaotic brain, the desperation to find the answers and the desire to numb my life experiences. I use better communication, I accept my responsibility as the beacon of energy and vibration in my home.”

Ryley Benkins - Cohort 1 & 2

"Taylor Bonga has transformed my life in all aspects… quite literally! Being a momma is the best and also the hardest part of my life; having a circles of support = priceless. It takes a village and Taylor has the tools! Join us"

Meet Your Guide, Taylor

Taylor is a Holistic Life Coach & Clinical Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist with an upcoming Masters in Counseling. She is an expert in mindset, subconscious reprogramming, energetics and emotional healing.

Taylor believes in working to create a world where women of all identities and those they influence have the the confidence, spiritual connection, tools, knowledge & inner safety they need to thrive, not just survive.

With courses, coaching and resources, Taylor helps clients go below the surface to rewrite their stories and patterns with themselves, their relationships and future in true authenticity.

Her expertise comes from her Bachelor of Science in Human Services, 6 Board Certified Masters Coaching Certifications including Life + Success, NLP, EFT, Clinical Hypnosis and TIME Techniques. More deeply though, it comes from decades of doing this work on herself and leading hundreds of clients through it.

Her mission is to reach millions of women around the world. To raise their vibration and awaken their conscious contributions to this planet so they can live, love and lead as the highest versions of themselves each day and positively impact the future generations to come.