Welcome, Change Maker

Your beautiful soul has landed here because you are tired, angry, stretched to max capacity and living in survival mode.

Whether it’s maternal burnout, social pressures or societal structures that have left you feeling lost, stuck, and disconnected from your true self & family… I'm here, to help you reclaim your power, and break free from archaic societal beliefs and self-limiting patterns so you can thrive from the inside out.

We do things a little different around here. We dare to dream and challenge the status quo. We are intelligent, articulate wise beings, rooted in freedom and authentic connection, here to do the heart-work that our lives and this world need.

Are you ready to thrive outside the box & part the sea with us?

I see you….

  • Struggling to balance the modern-day demands of motherhood, marriage or big life choices and performance fatigue.

  • Losing your cool and it affecting your relationships and goals.

  • Never feeling like enough.

  • Longing for deeper connections with the people you love, but finding yourself in the same cycles of resentment and frustration.

  • Feeling like there’s got to be a better way that isn’t going to take years of therapy.

I want you to know that you're not alone,
I’ve walked this walk and I am here to help.

Gently unraveling the layers of emotional pain, historical thought patterns and beliefs may feel a bit intimidating. It's natural to hesitate, fearing the investment of time, energy and money and/or the vulnerability of being "seen" for who you truly are. Yet, it is within the sacred work of healing where your most profound shifts occur, where you can unlock the endless peaceful presence that has always resided within you. I believe the tough stuff is the sacred stuff — The portals for deeper growth and connection.

In this nurturing space, you will be embraced by compassionate guidance dedicated to walking alongside you every step of the way. Together, we will navigate the twists and turns of your healing journey, untangling the knots that prevent you from truly thriving. Know that you are supported, cherished, and entrusted with the power to reclaim your worth. Let us embark together, kindred spirit, and witness the remarkable transformation waiting to unfold in your life.

Hi, I’m Taylor,
Get to know me!

As a multi-talented coach, hypnotherapist and healer with years of experience in transformative leadership and conscious living, I offer you a safe space to explore your innermost desires and fears, heal old wounds, and move forward with purpose, courage, and curiosity.

I use a holistic approach that combines evidence-based practices, intuition, and somatic experiences to help you discover your unique strengths and values, expand your capacity, and foster a deep sense of self-love, acceptance and connection.

Together, we'll walk on a journey that takes you beyond your limitations, rekindles your joy, and empowers you to create positive change for yourself, your family, and your future. I can't wait to meet you, dear soul, and help you realize your full potential.

Let's start this wild, happy, worth journey together!

  • Freedom - Exercise conscious & liberating choices in alignment with your values and aspirations

    Connection - Nurture meaningful relationships and strengthen bonds that connect us all. Act from logic and our inner guidance system.

    Health - Prioritize your well-being

    Harmony - Actively seek understanding, beauty, appreciation and peaceful resolution with every person and situation.

    Fun - Be willng to play outside of our comfort zone to suceed, be thrilled & experience satisfaction. Find hmor and light in the challenges.

  • Bachelor of Science in Health Service: Western Michigan University

    Upcoming Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling: Aquinas College

    Certified Life & Success Coach: Transcend Academy

    Certified Clinical Heart - Centered Hypnotherapist: Transcend Academy, Mastery of Light & Wellness Institute

    Master Certified Neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner: Transcend Academy & Mastery of Light

    MasterCertified Emotional Freedom Technique Teacher: Transcend Academy & Mastery of Light

    Master Certified TIME Techniques Facilitator: Transcend Academy & Mastery of Light

    Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 (NYC) & 2 (Kripalu): Gabby Bernstein

    Wealth Embodiment Program, Ready to Receive: Ruthie Cease

  • I am passionate about mental health, positive generational change, taking care of mother earth, women’s empowerment and putting ourselves first so we can live, loved and lead from a place of joy and fulfillment. Inspiring others to do the same. In my free time, you’ll likely find me somewhere outside - camping with my family, mountain biking, climbing, doing yoga or meditating. I enjoy adventuring around beaches, mountains and experiencing new things. I am a life -long learner always growing and expanding my personal capacity and knowledge to better serve myself, my family and my clients.

  • With my two kids, dog and partner in tow, I've lived weekender #vanlife for at least 6 years. Most recently, we racked up over 3,000 miles, while living in 200 sq ft, as we trekked cross country from MI to all over CO & UT. We even rent a camper van like a mobile AirBnB!

    While I love a calm empathetic vibe for coaching, I'm naturally competitive and can get down and dirty with the best of them. I played college rugby and soccer... my coaches still talk about my competitive mindset.

    I’ve traveled to 11 different countries, lived abroad for 5 weeks in Spain and love to see different cultures! Ireland was probably my fave :)