
A gift from me to you: a treasure trove of resources designed to nurture your well-being and State of Mind.

I believe in sharing generously and giving access to this healing work so you can get a taste without the investment, plus I want these resources to be here for you to return to again and again!



  1. Breathe & Meditate

Breathwork and meditation are powerful practices that offer profound benefits for mind, body, and spirit. Through breathwork, we harness the innate power of our breath to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and promote emotional balance. Meditation, on the other hand, invites us to explore the depths of our consciousness, fostering inner peace, clarity, and spiritual growth. Together, these practices provide invaluable tools for setting the tone for your day, re-centering yourself through life's challenges and cultivating a sense of well-being.

8 Count Kundalini Breath

2. Shift & Release with Tapping

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a holistic healing method that combines ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. By tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on emotional challenges or traumas, EFT helps to release negative energy and restore balance. This gentle yet effective technique has been widely embraced for its ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, and other emotional disturbances, promoting a sense of empowerment and stability.

What is EFT?

EFT for Worthiness

EFT for Stress & Overwhelm

3. Relax & Rewire with Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, often induced through relaxation techniques and guided imagery. In this altered state of consciousness, individuals become more open to suggestions that can influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Widely used for therapeutic purposes, hypnosis can help address a range of issues, from breaking habits to managing pain and improving overall well-being.

What is Hypnosis?



EFT Starter Kit

Download your free step-by-step guide to getting started with this life-changing self-help practice today!

Biggest Benefits:

  • Reduce anger, frustration, doubt and fears quickly and sustainably

  • Reduce stress & improve your mood so you can be present and feel good

  • Defuse conflict with compassion & empathy vs ego & "fight or flight"

  • Reliable coping mechanism you can access anytime, anywhere.

The # 1 thing you can do  to feel your best & create generational change

The 90-second practice every family leader & adult child of an alcoholic needs to know.

You’re Ready To Lead Yourself And Your Family Better, Right? 

Inside this quick & potent training, you will learn the single best thing you can do to cultivate family dynamics rooted in love, authenticity and empowerment. Regardless of what kind of contrast is present in life.

Shop Self - Guided Products & Courses |

Shop Self - Guided Products & Courses |

21 Day Heart Centric Embodiment Journey

Learn & Unlearn the Mother Wound in 21 Days

Instead of sacrificing who we are and what we want as women, learn how to feel through tough feelings and implement nourishing boundaries so you can be who you really are and *actually* put yourself first, for once.

The Conscious creation Bundle

3 digital products to support you with cultivating more harmony, presence and intuitive action in your life.

Utilize these 3 potent resources to align your subconscious mind, heart and energy so your internal environment can support your external environment.

Ready to Further Nurture Your Needs & Thrive?!