Motherhood & Long Term Relationships

You Feel Like You’ve Lost Yourself

Juggling motherhood, work, and personal aspirations, you have lost touch with the vibrant, authentic woman you are.

The weight of societal expectations and the constant demands of work, life & parenting have diminished your sense of joy and self-worth.

The weight of motherhood's responsibilities has pushed you to the brink. It's time to pause, take a deep breath, and remember that you are deserving of love, care, and support. In a world that’s always showing mothers they are never enough, this is a revolutionary stand.

You’re at the End of Your Rope

68% of millennial moms are wrestling anxiety.

75% of moms say they need at least 4 clones of themselves to get it all done & don't have enough support.

67% of couples reported a decline in relationship satisfaction after having their first child.

67 % feel like a burden when they reach out to their family to share their feelings or ask for help.

46% of moms said they hide their feelings because telling someone else would make them feel like a failure.

You are not alone in how you feel. The modern day world is letting our mothers down, I am here to create a ripple of positive change for families and future generations!

The Pressure Just Keeps Building

So much so, you find yourself criticizing, controlling and impulsively reacting to everything around you; impacting your ability to respond to challenges with grace and cultivate meaningful connections.

The weight of generational traumas, unhealed wounds and dysfunctional family relationships are draining you and you’re not even sure where to start.

Embrace the present moment and take charge of your journey. Find joy in motherhood and marriage by breaking free from reactive patterns, rewire your nervous system to respond with love and wisdom and confidently leading your relationships to harmony and connection.

Your Partner Feels More Like A Roomie

Parenthood has brought a shift in your romantic relationship, leading to feelings of disconnection and stagnation.

The demands of daily life and parenting have overshadowed the fun intimate connection you once shared with your partner.

It’s possible to rekindle the flame and cultivate a relationship brimming with passion, acceptance and genuine intimacy.

Feel skilled in cultivating deep connections and fostering a bond that grows stronger and more playful with each passing day. Kids are learning what a romantic relationship look like by watching their parents. Exemplify the communication & boundary skills you wish for them to have!

It’s time to heal generational patterns and embrace joyful motherhood!

Call or text me at 616-970-0592 today for a free 15-minute consultation!

Working with Taylor has been a game changer for me and my family. Specifically changing the way I react in high stress times with my partner and child. I believe the shifts that have happened for me personally have directly impacted my partner as well. The home feels more peaceful, transparent, vulnerable and we feel more dedicated to connecting. I am so grateful. 10/10 recommend working with Taylor.
— Britt 1:1 & MMM Client

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