Heart-Centered Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Grow through what you go through to transform your life & relationships

You Never Feel Like Enough…

You are ambitious yet responsible for so much, the demands of everyday modern life have you struggling to keep it all together.

Burnout and overwhelm are just scratching the surface of your challenges and self-care isn’t solving your problems.

You’ve put yourself and fun on the back burner, letting certain parts of your life completely consume you and you don’t know how you let your true self and your life vision get so far out of sight.

You’re searching for your lifeboat because the water you are treading is starting to become dangerous.

You’ve Sworn You’re Going to React Differently Next Time… Too Many Times.

You keep losing your temper and then feel guilty, ashamed and even hopeless for your repeated behaviors and tone.

Feeling like the damage is irreparable and painfully aware of how these interactions are affecting your relationships.

In the heat of the moment, you can sense the explosion coming, but you don’t know what to do so you end up unable to control your emotions.

You’d give anything to be able to keep your cool and repair all the times you lost it on the people you love most.

Depleted, Frustrated & Resentful…

You keep facing the same arguments, disagreements and issues in your relationships, it’s starting to feel like you want out of them.

You’re craving deep meaningful connection, but your relationships feel stagnant and disconnected.

You’re desperately seeking change, clarity and a new path forward.

You’re eager to put the historic patterns behind you and forge a new path for yourself and generations to come.

Open the Wisdom of Your Heart &
Step into Your Power.

You’re ready to release old patterns and beliefs, heal old wounds and develop a revolutionary lifestyle that allows you to expand your capacity & cultivate the deep connections you crave.

It takes a brave soul to explore the shadows within and finally take their power away. I’m here to hold that sacred and safe space for you so you can let go of survival mode and embrace the heart-centered life and relationships you truly desire.

It’s time to nurture your soul and uncage your inner peace!

From pre-formulated programs & packages to nature-based walk n’ talk sessions & 90-minute freedom activations, there is something for you!

Call or text me at 616-970-0592 today for a free 15-minute consultation!

I’m FINALLY confident and ready to set boundaries with those whom I’ve been too afraid to do so. Overall I feel like I’m actually putting myself first and focusing on my own mental and spiritual health. Working with you has giving the freedom to choose myself.
— Elena 1:1 & Group Client

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!